RRWCD to Hold Quarterly Board Meeting
The Board of Directors of the Republican River Water Conservation District (RRWCD) will hold their regular quarterly board meeting at Quintech, located in Yuma, Colorado, on Tuesday, May 17, 2022, starting at 10:00AM. Quintech is located at 529 N. Albany Street, in Yuma, Colorado.

The Board will review the February 15, 2022 Quarterly Board meeting minutes, the minutes of the executive session of the Board meeting on February 15, 2022, the minutes of the special Board meeting on April 7, 2022, and the executive session of the special meeting on April 7, 2022.

Reports to be given include Board President’s report, general manager’s report, District financial report, pipeline operator’s report and reports from Board committees and associated organizations. The public comment session will be held at 1:00 PM.

The Board will receive reports from Assistant State Engineer Mike Sullivan and Republican River Team Lead Commissioner Chris Kucera. Receive update reports from the RRWCD’s engineer, conservation program specialist, state lobbyist and legal counsels.

Kari Linker, local representative for Senator Hickenlooper, James Thompson, from Senator Bennet’s office and Darlene Carpio, representing Congressman Buck’s office will present reports from their respective offices for the federal legislators.

Neil Hutton is scheduled to give a presentation to the RRWCD on a produced water proposal.

The Board will review and vote on annual sponsorship of Colorado Ag in the Classroom. The Board will discuss and vote on 2022 EQIP rates on formerly inactive wells. The Directors will also vote on setting a minimal irrigation rate requirement from the RRWCD for new EQIP contracts.

The Board will discuss creating a draft “Guideline for Directors” for the RRWCD Board of Directors. They will also discuss and vote on a contract with Stuart Dykstra as project manager of the South Fork Republican Restoration Coalition Bonny Dam project.

The RRWCD Board of Directors will hold an executive session to receive legal advice on legal questions and litigation concerning water rights; to discuss and determine positions, develop strategies, and instruct negotiators concerning the purchase or lease of water rights; determine positions and instruct negotiators concerning water supply acquisition, receive legal advice on legal questions related to such agreements, contracts and easements, discuss program applications; the Compact Compliance Pipeline, Bonny Reservoir and personnel matters.

For those wishing to participate via Zoom, a link will be provided on the RRWCD website at www.repubicanriver.com

For further information concerning the details of this meeting, please contact the RRWCD staff at
970-332-3552 or Deb Daniel, RRWCD General Manager at 970-630-3525.

Suzanna Baker is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: May Quarterly Board Meeting
Time: May 17, 2022 10:00 AM Mountain Time (US and Canada)

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