Virtual Meeting
July 31, 2023
7:30 A.M.
Call to Order
[Move to enter into executive session to receive legal advice on employee request for bonuses and
District policy regarding same, pursuant to Sect 24-6-402(4)(b), C.R.S.]
A. Legal Advice from Counsel
a. Receive legal advice from counsel regarding employee request for bonuses
b. Receive legal advice from counsel regarding adopting District policy for bonuses
[Move to leave executive session]
[Move to enter into executive session for discussion of personnel matters pursuant to Sec
24-6-402(4)(f), C.R.S., except if the employee who is the subject of the session has requested an
open meeting, or if the personnel matter involves more than one employee, all of the employees
have requested an open meeting]
B. Employee evaluation
a. Review survey
b. Review ratings scale
c. Review questions for August meeting
[Move to leave executive session]
[Open session]
Discussion of District policy for bonuses
Motions and decisions which may arise as a result of discussions during executive session(s)
or open session
New and Additional Business