410 Main Street, Wray, Colorado
December 11, 2023
1:30 p.m.
1. Call to Order
2. Roll call
a. Greg Larson, Wil Bledsoe, Rod Lenz, Brooke Campbell, Roger Seedorf.
b. Confirm quorum.
3. Acknowledgement of guests in attendance.
4. Discuss the use of conservation easements to facilitate water conservation in the RRWCD basin.
5. Discuss properties subject to negotiations located in SFFZ.
6. Discuss properties subject to negotiations located in CCP territory.
7. Discuss Lease of FPI properties.
a. 1 vs. 2 leases.
b. Term of years.
c. Consideration of conservation measures.
d. Awarding criteria and process.
e. Review Bid package.
f. Timeline for leasing.
g. Inspection of infrastructure and its fitness for use.
h. Review Lease Agreement terms.
i. Other.
8.Discuss Priority List for Negotiations Committee.
a. Surface water.
b. SFFZ wells and rights not subject to conservation programs.
c. Well field wells.
d. Other.
9. Motions and decisions to be considered in open session which were subject to discussions in executive session.
10. Old Business.
11. New and Additional Business.
12. Adjourn
13. Statement as to Executive Session.
a. The Committee may choose to move into executive session based upon the above-stated eligible topics, to discuss matters of leasing, selling, trading and purchasing real estate as well as matters subject to negotiations and to instruct negotiators, pursuant to Section 24-6-402(4)(a)(e) of the Colorado Revised Statutes.