December 18, 2024, beginning at 1:00 PM

Located at: Cobblestone Inn & Suites in the conference room

  1. 1:00 PM – Welcome – Rod Lenz – President of the Board
    1. Pledge of allegiance and prayer.
  1. 1:05 PM – RRWCD Water Use Fee discussion
    1. Introduction and overview – Rod Lenz
    2. Presentation on Depletions in Basin – 600,00 Annual Pumping Goal
      1. Randy Hendrix, RRWCD water engineer
    3. CCP Projections
      1. Tim Pautler, PTAC Chairman
    4. Should  Conservation be a Priority
      1. Steve Kramer, Conservation committee chairman
    5. Review Fee Options
      1. Kevin Penny, Fee Evaluation Committee chairman
    6. Review Pros and Cons received
      1. Rod Lenz, Board Chairman
    7. Roundtable discussion – Open discussion of options
      1. Rod Lenz, Board Chairman
  1. 3:30 PM – Adjourn Workshop

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